At the outset I state that this is not a blog about the harm/benefits of pornography consumption .
Rather this is a matter of fact invitation for you to consider whether or not your porn consumption influences your real life sexual activity, either alone or with a  partner/s.  And if so, in what way does it do this?
I also want you to consider what kind of porn you are consuming , how long  your rate of consumption is  and most importantly, do you use porn as a source of sexuality education and information ?
We all develop a sexual script, which is a socially constructed guideline for sexual roles and behaviors, a guideline for human sexual behaviour, This is derived from watching the behaviour of others. As a child you observe the affection , sexual tension , sexual reactions of your parents.As you get older you observe  your religious leaders, educators and peers. And finally you have your own sexual experiences.  And porn . Combine all these factors, and each one will influence your sexual behaviour.
Pornography, defined as sexually explicit media designed to arouse the user, is blamed for sexual risk behaviour. Such as not using a condom In Real Life sexual activity. It is also blamed for men exploiting women, and women submitting to sexual practices that they find difficult and non arousing, such as anal sex or facials. This of course is high risk behaviour if it is non consensual and not practiced safely. Considering the many influences of a sexual script it is not possible to fully blame porn for high risk behaviours people practice. However… 
Porn provides sociosexual learning , for sure.  
Porn provides limitless novelty, potential for easy escalation to more extreme material,  a video format which makes it real and accessible. It may be potent enough to condition sexual arousal to aspects of Internet pornography use that do not readily transition to real-life partners, such that sex with desired partners may not register as meeting expectations and arousal declines. In other words, watching the variety of porn available to you, may  leave you struggling  to climax when having your pedestrian mono – normative vanilla sex with your beloved. It may even make you push her /him for an edgier , more unusual sexual practice.
Take home message : limit your porn  time ,  and use porn to talk to a partner about new ideas you have gained. Mostly expect In Real Life sex to be exciting because of the connection that you have with  person/s , not because of new techniques.
Lets consider condom use , porn and your sexual behaviour.  . Using condoms consistently  is a necessary safer sex  practice. However  condom use in heterosexual porn is rare. A study of 100 videos on popular porn websites found that condoms were used in just 2 % of videos.
Question : if you see attractive people in porn  having pleasurable  sex without condoms, are you more likely to perceive sex without condoms as normative and rewarding ?
The research findings on this are mixed. Only some studies find an association .
What has been found is that the consumption of porn may only affect the condom use of people who perceive porn as a source of information about sex.
In other words, if you are dependent on porn only for your sexual information and education, to check out your “normal”, then in all likelihood you are less likely to use condoms as condoms are so rarely used in heterosexual porn .
A  survey study assessed pornography consumption, perceptions of pornography as a source of sexual information, and condom use in a heterosexual sample of 200 sexually active German adults who were not in monogamous relationships.
There was no association between pornography consumption and condom use among participants who disagreed that pornography is a source of sexual information. Conversely, pornography consumption was associated with a lower frequency of condom use among participants who agreed that pornography is a source of sexual information. As the perception that pornography is a source of sexual information strengthened, the relationship between pornography consumption and less frequent condom use increased.
 Take home : : don’t depend on porn as your only and primary form of education and information. This is important for parents who resist and desist from giving their children sexuality education. If you leave porn to be the educator of your children , they are less likely to ever use condoms. One more reason to risk embarrassment of talking about sexuality to your children over risking their high possibility of being infected with STI/HIV/AIDS as well as an unintended pregnancy.
Another reason why not to use porn as your primary form of education and information is that people will choose porn over partner sex for sexual excitement. They also don’t value sexual communication . Preferring pornographic to partnered sexual excitement and devaluing sexual communication were both associated with less sexual satisfaction, as shown in this  study. 
Talking about sexual satisfaction, multiple studies show that consuming pornography less than once a month has little or no impact on satisfaction, that reductions in satisfaction tend to initiate once viewing reaches once a month, and that additional increases in the frequency of viewing lead to disproportionately larger decrements in satisfaction.
A survey of  487 college men (ages 18–29 years) in the United States to compare their rate of pornography use with sexual preferences and concerns. Results showed the more pornography a man watches, the more likely he was to use it during sex, request particular pornographic sex acts of his partner, deliberately conjure images of pornography during sex to maintain arousal, and have concerns over his own sexual performance and body image. Further, higher pornography use was negatively associated with enjoying sexually intimate behaviors with a partner.
Take home : go ahead and enjoy porn . However the less time spent on it, the higher your at home In Real Life sexual  satisfaction will be.
Let’s talk about women’s porn consumption.
A study investigated whether women’s pornography consumption is associated with specific sexual behaviors frequently depicted in pornography—for example, spanking (or being spanked), choking (or being choked), pulling hair (or having their hair pulled), or name-calling (or being called names)
Since pornographic scripts are gendered and overwhelmingly depict a male dominant and female submissive dynamic, more frequent exposure increases the probability of script activation and application.
The frequency of women’s partnered pornography consumption, in addition to the frequency of their personal consumption, when considering pornography’s possible impact on women’s sexual behavior one considers the impact of pornography : research indicates that it depends on the female  consumers’ age.
Associations between women’s pornography exposure and submissive behavior will be strongest when they were first exposed to pornography at an earlier age.
Sexual media provide scripts for specific sexual behaviours and  early childhood exposure may increase the likelihood that individuals will engage in particular behaviours they observe later in life.
Many heterosexual men and women appear to largely accept pornography’s script of male dominance and female submission and to behave accordingly.
Take home : ensure that your children are not exposed to porn early on in life as this places them at higher risk of activating stereotypical male dominated /female submissive  porn roles, In Real Life. Hence the need for porn education of your children . Porn education includes teaching value of gender equity and consent.
In summary, porn has an impact on sexual behaviour. How positive and negative it is, is up to you. Too much , too early, depending on porn for your education and information ,  will not bode well  for your In Real Life sexuality. It will  leave you dissatisfied with reality, depending on porn fantasy for arousal and perhaps even engaging in non consensual sexual activities because you really think this is normative behaviour.
For more information on porn , contact me