couple and sex therapist

Working through a trauma-informed lens, utilising Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, Mindfulness, traditional Sex Therapy techniques and Complex Relationship theory and interventions, I offer couples and individuals a safe and secure therapeutic space in which they can communicate and connect, with compassion, kindness and respect towards themselves and each other.


  • Sexual dysfunctions, difficulties and concerns
  • Loss of Sexual Pleasure
  • Gender curiosity and confusion
  • Sexual orientation fluidity
  • Relationship structure exploration, including polyamory, (consensual non monogamy), monogamy, relationship anarchy, singleton, friendships, casual sexual encounters
  • Infidleity, including cyber infidelityexuality and intimacy
  • Dating conundrums, safety and abuse
  • Communication & Connection skill building
  • Complex relationships, including Genetic Sexual Attraction, blended/step families
  • Stuckness in relationships
  • Cancer and its impact on sexuality and intimacy
  • Chronic illness, disability and its impact on sexuality and intimacy

Place your hand on your heart space. Breathe until it is still. Enquire what your heart longs for. Invite your partner to do the same practice. Maybe your heart says, “Hold me tighter” or maybe it says, “I am afraid and long for release”.

Perhaps you feel stuck.

Maybe you have lost sexual desire, are struggling with erectile dysfunction and/or orgasmic difficulties.

As a Couple and Sex Therapist I create the space for your heart to have difficult conversations. Once hearts regulate, healthy consensual sexuality will flow. After all, the drive to survive is the longing to connect. Or disconnect.

In order to connect, safety and security is necessary. Sexual Pleasure then becomes possible.


couple and sex therapist
intimacy trauma therapist
family therapist
individual therapist
cyber infidelity
medico legal sexual health
psychedelic medicine
intimate partner violence (IPV)
public speaker

dr. eve store

In 1994, I imported sex toys into South Africa. Despite professional stigma and community rejection, I opened an In Real Life and online store (, believing people have the right to access sexual health products to better promote their sexual health and pleasure.

Today, my store thrives under my loving attention. People are educated into the clinical and personal benefits of using sexual health products.

visit my store