internationally qualified
Since 1994 I have travelled the world training in sexuality, and more recently trauma, I’ve been honored with positions on international committees, including Temporary Advisor to the WHO (World Health Organization) and WAS (World Association of Sexual Health)
I pride myself on reinvention by adding to my clinical skill set with continual training, in response to changes in societal, familial, relationship and sexual trends, as politics, technology and laws evolve.
I have been in Private Practice for my entire career and pride myself on reinvention by adding to my skill set, in response to changes in societal, familial, relationship and sexual trends, as politics, technology and laws evolve.
I aim to bring cutting-edge evidence-based interventions to my clients and communities.
In 1999, as a qualified Sexual Medicine Consultant and Therapist, I launched Viagra in South Africa followed by years of Sexual Medicine training and educating health care providers nationally, as an Opinion Leader for the major pharmaceutical companies, specifically Pfizer.
In line with my commitment of being on trend with research, I moved from a purely medicalised focus on sexuality, into a more intersectional and contextual view of intimacy, gender and sexual orientation.
In 2013, I began research into Cyber Infidelity (CI), and wrote the groundbreaking book “Cyber Infidelity – The New Seduction” (Human & Rousseau 2015) which was published in 2015 to global acclaim.

This work then defined my clinical and academic interest in Contemporary Intimacies and Modern Day Love such as polyamory, and other consensual and non-consensual non-monogamies.
Working with the trauma of Cyber Infidelity propelled me into the world of Trauma Studies. I realised I needed to add trauma interventions into my therapy toolbox.
Childhood Traumas and once-off adult event Shock Traumas have a significant impact on adult relationships, intimacy and sexualities. This necessitated my need to train in Complex Trauma management, utilising the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy model.
In January 2021, I completed my Post Graduate Certificate in Trauma Stress Studies, with Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Research Foundation, Boston, USA.
In August 2021, I completed the Level 1 Certificate in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Trauma Themes, Pat Ogden’s Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, USA.
My current area of study is Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy. Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy is the new frontier of treatment for PTSD, trauma, depression, anxiety, addictions and suicidality.
In 2023, I began certifying as a Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapist. Ketamine currently being the only globally approved legal psychedelic medicine.
Twenty-nine years ago, as the founder of Dr. Eve, the South African household brand representing professionalism, pleasure, respect, and responsibility, I began to pioneer sexual health, pleasure and rights education, information and counselling in South Africa and throughout Africa.
Utilising multiple forums, from live mobile chat platforms with youth, to global public appearances, my commitment is to providing evidence-based comprehensive sexuality education and trauma education across all age groups and cross-culturally.
My first love for global education and communication remains radio. Television is my second home. For the last 29 years, I have had my own live talk radio shows, focusing on Sexuality and Relationships. Since 2020, as I slipped into conversations about Trauma and Intimacy, I opened up a new forum on Radio 702/Cape Talk, a show devoted specifically to Intimacy Trauma.
Having written 4 bestseller books on women’s sexuality, sexuality education for youth, ageing and Cyber Infidelity, I am sought after for appearances both locally and internationally. My writing skills have become honed through many years of being a columnist and opinion expert in all major magazines, newspapers, and online websites and a blogger for both South African and international media.
My devotion to ensuring sexual rights, health and pleasure for all are met, moved me into a new pioneering area, namely Medico Legal work. I am a Sexual Health Expert, in medical negligence and personal injury matters. This means I assess for loss of sexual functioning as a result of personal injury and make recommendations for compensation thereof. I look forward to extending my skills and expertise globally.
In 1994, I brought a shipment of sex toys into South Africa. Coming out of the Apartheid era and sexual censorship, I was aware of the lack of sexuality education, which includes the right to access sexual health products for both clinical and private use. My online store and my in-house store, are my joy and your pleasure.

My passion lies in my private clinical practice. From 8am-8pm, I am invested and focused on working with couples and individuals who feel stuck and struggling with their intimate lives and interpersonal relationships, with partners, children, families and colleagues.
Recognising that early childhood trauma and once off adult event traumas effect adult intimacy and attachments, all of my therapy is done through a trauma-informed lens. I utilise mindfulness and body based Sensorimotor Psychotherapy skills, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Trauma Interventions, Sex Therapy as well as Sexual Medicine assessments.
My wide lens expands into working with people who practice and are curious about alternative relationship structures, such as polyamory, and I welcome trans and gender diverse people into my practice. In summary, I offer an integrative therapeutic approach, through a trauma-informed lens.
Across the span of my career, I have had articles published in academically acclaimed journals, reviewed books and abstracts for conferences and presented my work, specifically on Cyber Infidelity, at international conferences and been guest lecturer at New York University as well as at Montclair University, New Jersey, USA.
The highlight of my academic career was my appointment as a Temporary Advisor to the WHO (World Health Organisation). Our work focuses on integrating sexual medicine into the ambit of health care providers. I am also a contributor to the WHO ICD-11chapter on ‘Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity’.
Since 2001, I have been teaching Sexual Medicine through a trauma-informed lens at the University of Cape Town Medical School.
I have served as a board and committee member on a number of highly respected international scientific sexual medicine, sexual health, and rights organisations.
In 2021 I was the Local Scientific Chair of the WAS (World Association of Sexual Health) Congress, and a member of the Task Force, which was held virtually in Cape Town, South Africa.
Education forms the core of all my work. Whether it is educating clients in my therapy room, training health care providers, or appearing before professionals and the public, education is key to my work and behaviour change.
Because I am so committed to the right everyone has to education, information and counselling, for the last 29 years I have used the mediums of radio, television, print and social media as tools of education.
In 2018, in my capacity as an Accredited Comprehensive Sexuality Educator, I was invited to oversee and be consultant in the design of the Sexuality and Relationship thread of the Life Skills text books for 2020 learners of South Africa, for the Department of National Education.
Four books written, a column in every major magazine and newspaper in the country, a column in a New York online magazine, is proof of my commitment to educating people. My first book ‘Pillowbook – Creating a Sensual Lifestyle’, was a bestseller, whilst my second book ‘Dr Eve’s Sex Book – A Guide for Young People’ was an assigned text book in all schools.
My next book ‘Ageing and Sexuality – your 21st century guide to lifelong sensuality’ covered all one needs to know about ageing and intimacy. I launched my book ‘Cyber Infidelity – the New Seduction’ globally and it became a classic for both clinicians and the public.
For the last 29 years, I have had my own weekly live, call-in talk radio show, at times three shows a week on different radio stations throughout the country. The focus has been on Sexuality and Relationships. My weekly television show plus multiple appearances on both national and international television stations have formed an integral part of my career.
Since 2020, as I slipped into Trauma and Intimacy as a focus of my clinical practice, I opened up a new bi-weekly forum on talk Radio 702/Cape Talk. My radio show is now devoted specifically to Intimacy Trauma, called ‘In Conversation with Dr Eve’.
Defending the rights of women to sexual and relational justice is a priority for me. Ensuring the rights of LGBTIQA people are met, educating about the rights of consensually non-monogamous people, as well as people choosing an alternative sexual/relational lifestyle, continue to be a focus of my work. Recognising the rights of people with different abilities and disabilities to sexuality and intimacy is a deep commitment of mine.
Seven years ago, I was invited to join the Cape Town Executive Committee of SAMLA (South African Medico Legal Association), and in 2017, I was nominated to the executive board of SAMLA.
As a now well recognised Sexual Health Expert in the country, with few others globally, I am deeply committed to ensuring the sexual rights of all people who have suffered through medical negligence and personal injury, are met. For this reason, I maintain an active and busy medico legal practice.
In 1994, I imported sex toys into South Africa. Despite professional stigma and community rejection, I opened an ‘In Real Life’ and online store (, believing people have the right to access sexual health products to better promote their sexual health and pleasure.
Today, my boutique online store thrives under my loving attention. Shopping for sexual health products can be daunting and confusing. My intention is to offer first class service by providing personalised education and recommendations to customers.
- 1985: M (Clinical Social Work), specializing in Family Therapy (cum laude) (winner of the Dean’s Medal for Best Social Science Student in the Faculty of
Humanities) – University of the Orange Free State - 1995: Certified AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators Counsellors & Therapist) Sex Therapist
- 1999: Doctorate in Human Sexuality – Institute for Advanced Studies in Human Sexuality, San Francisco, California, USA
- 2001-present day: Sexual Medicine Therapist & Consultant: ISSWSH (International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health ) ; ESSM (European Society for Sexual Medicine) ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine)
- 2012: Temporary Advisor to the WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva Switzerland
- 2017: Accredited Medico Legal Mediator – University of Cape Town, Law School
- 2021: Post Graduate Certificate in Trauma Stress Studies – Trauma Research Foundation, Boston, USA
- 2021 Level 1 Certificate in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy – Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, USA
- Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy .2023 (current training)