intimacy trauma therapist

Working through a trauma-informed lens, utilising Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, Mindfulness, traditional Sex Therapy techniques and Complex Relationship theory and interventions, I offer couples and individuals a safe and secure therapeutic space in which they can communicate and connect, with compassion, kindness and respect towards themselves and each other.


  • Intimacy Injustice, meaning any sexual, social, racial, class injustice, betrayal, deception, that tramatizes you and your intimate relationship/s
  • Gender Based Violence
  • Cyber Infidelity
  • Traumatic losses including miscarriage, abortion, death, divorce, separation, relationship endings, suicide
  • Pornography use
  • Addictions
  • Out of Control Sexual Behavior
  • Adult event PTSD traumas, including rape, sexual harassment, non-consensual sexuality, sexual violations, accidents, disabilities, which result in sexual and intimacy difficulties
  • Developmental Trauma Disorder, namely childhood neglect, abandonment, sexual or physical abuse suffered under the age of 18 years old which result in sexual and intimacy difficulties
  • Attachment disruptions which create intimacy challenges in relationships

Bessel van der Kolk, MD, psychiatrist, best selling author of “The Body Keeps the Score”, researcher and educator, describes the experience of trauma as “the brain on fire”.

Having a brain on fire, results in a higher risk of mental and physical illnesses such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addictions as well as inflammatory diseases such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Digestive difficulties.

And most significantly, a brain on fire distracts you from social, emotional and relational connection – and healthy sexuality.

In other words, trauma creates Intimacy and Attachment disruptions.

Trauma is not the event. Whether this event was a once off adult event such as a sexual violation, rape, car accident, resulting in PTSD, or Developmental Childhood Trauma, such as sexual or physical abuse, emotional neglect and abandonment, trauma is what happens inside you.

And so you find ways to live your life to avoid feeling the pain inside of you. All the while your body holds the score and the suffering continues. In February 2021, I completed my Post Graduate Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies, through Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Research Foundation, Boston, USA.

I invite you to bring your brain and body into my well resourced therapeutic space. You deserve a life of joy, happiness and freedom from suffering.


couple and sex therapist
intimacy trauma therapist
family therapist
individual therapist
cyber infidelity
medico legal sexual health
psychedelic medicine
intimate partner violence (IPV)
public speaker

dr. eve store

In 1994, I imported sex toys into South Africa. Despite professional stigma and community rejection, I opened an In Real Life and online store (, believing people have the right to access sexual health products to better promote their sexual health and pleasure.

Today, my store thrives under my loving attention. People are educated into the clinical and personal benefits of using sexual health products.

visit my store