sexual health, sexual consent and sexual pleasure is your right
Many obstacles may stand in your way of achieving this right. This is because Sexuality is not a stand-alone part of your life – rather it is intersected with all other parts of your life.
Working through a trauma-informed lens, utilising Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, Mindfulness, traditional Sex Therapy techniques, Self Compassion interventions, I offer individuals/couples a safe and secure therapeutic space in which they can explore their gender, sexual orientation, sexual functioning, sexual confusion and sexual pleasure.
Thank you for reaching out.
Let’s work through and understand your unique sexuality, and your own relationship to gender, sexual orientation and sexual behaviour.
I am here to, educate you, encourage you to explore, understand and accept your own sexuality, alone and in partnership/s.
Sexuality is intimately affected by… and affects… relationships, current and past; mental and physical health; political & economic conditions in which you live, finances, family relationships, past sexual experiences, and trauma, both adult event trauma such as rape, or childhood trauma such as sexual abuse, violence.
Shame, pain, guilt, fear of not being “normal” bring people into sex therapy. Sexual functioning, sexual behaviour, gender or sexual orientation that you feel may not fit into the stereotype of “normal” sexuality that society has constructed, hurts.
Perhaps you are hurting as you believe that you should have genitals of a certain size and shape. And that these genitals should always respond and react with a strong erection that can go all night, and a throbbing vagina that stays wet throughout a sexual session – and feels no pain and has multiple orgasms.

dr. eve store
In 1994, I imported sex toys into South Africa. Despite professional stigma and community rejection, I opened an In Real Life and online store (www.drevestore.co.za), believing people have the right to access sexual health products to better promote their sexual health and pleasure.
Today, my store thrives under my loving attention. People are educated into the clinical and personal benefits of using sexual health products.