[vc_row bg_type=”image” parallax_style=”vcpb-animated” bg_image_new=”id^1503|url^https://samplesite1.writershandstudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Banner-Background-Play-Patterns.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^Banner Background (Play Patterns)|description^null” bg_override=”full”][vc_column icons_position=”left”][trx_sc_title title_style=”modern” title_tag=”h2″ title_align=”center” link_style=”default” title=”Who is Dr. Eve?” description=”a brief history” css=”.vc_custom_1555748251017{padding-top: 50px !important;}”][vc_empty_space height=”2em” alter_height=”none” hide_on_desktop=”” hide_on_notebook=”” hide_on_tablet=”” hide_on_mobile=””][vc_column_text]Considered to be a highly influential and respected professional woman in her field of expertise in Africa and internationally.
The certificates on my wall testify that I started out as a Clinical Social Worker, specialising in Family Therapy, (BA. Social Work (Hons), M. (Clinical Social Work) (cum laude), and attained my Doctorate in Human Sexuality in the USA, DHS (Doctorate in Human Sexuality), Institute of Advanced Studies in Human Sexuality, San Francisco. I became certified as a Couple & Sex Therapist through AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists) and achieved Fellowship in Sexual Medicine.
Today I call myself a Clinical Sexologist, Couple & Sex Therapist and Sexual Medicine Consultant, in Private Practice, specialising in Cyber Infidelity and Intimacy Trauma. Over the years my clinical interest shifted. This was triggered by my research into #CyberInfidelity.
In June 2015 my ground breaking book “Cyber Infidelity: The New Seduction “ (Human &Rousseau 2015) was published to global acclaim. This work now defines my clinical and academic interest in Contemporary Intimacies and Modern Day Love.
I moved from a purely medicalised focus on sexuality, to my current intense interest in understanding people’s online sexual and relational behaviour, and relationship to technology. The emergent complexities of relationships and sexualities necessitated my need to train in Complex Trauma management. I will soon be certified as a Complex Trauma Practitioner
Twenty five years ago, as the founder of Dr. Eve, the South African household brand representing professionalism, pleasure, respect, and responsibility, I began to pioneer sexual health and rights education, information and counseling in South Africa and through Africa.
Utilizing multiple forums, from live mobile chat platforms with youth, to global public appearances, my commitment is on providing evidence-based education across all age groups and cross-culturally.
Having written 4 best seller books on woman’s sexuality, sexuality education for youth, aging and Cyber Infidelity, I am sought after for appearances both locally and internationally. I am a global opinion leader on Cyber Infidelity. In January 2019 I was invited by producers of a Health Show, soon to appear on Netflix. to be a consultant on the Infidelity /Cyber Infidelity segment.
My writing skills have become honed through many years of being a columnist in all major magazines, online web sites and a blogger for both South African and international media. From 2017-2018 I had my own column in a New York based online magazine and in February 2019, I was cited in the New York Magazine.
My devotion to ensuring sexual rights and health for all are met, moved me into a new pioneering area , namely Medico Legal work. I am a Sexual Health Expert , in medical negligence and personal injury matters. This means I assess for loss of sexual functioning as a result of personal injury and make recommendations for compensation thereof. I look forward to extending my skills and expertise globally.
In 1994 I brought a shipment of sex toys into South Africa. Coming out of the Apartheid era and sexual censorship, I was aware of the lack of sexuality education which includes the right to access sexual health products for both clinical and private use. My online store www.drevestore.co.za and my in -house store, are my joy.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”2em” alter_height=”none” hide_on_desktop=”” hide_on_notebook=”” hide_on_tablet=”” hide_on_mobile=””][vc_empty_space height=”3.1em” alter_height=”none” hide_on_desktop=”” hide_on_notebook=”” hide_on_tablet=”1″ hide_on_mobile=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]