Click here to see me talk about how to do a “relationship check-in”

It’s time!  Time to take a breath and invite your partner to do a “Relationship Check-In”.  As a single person, it is time for you to check in re your current relationship values.

3 unique relationship months have passed, unique in that you have spent this much time either with a partner, time apart from a beloved or as a single person online.

Covid-19 and the consequent lockdown set you off into shock and uncertainty, which continues to this day.  This rocking of your internal system created imbalance in your relationship to your self and to your intimate relationships.

I urge you to capitalize on this trauma.  I encourage you to use the trauma to grow, not only in yourself as a person but in your intimate relationship/s.  Many of you may have increased your daily practice of exercise, journaling, walking in nature, yoga, eating healthy food and deepening social connections.  No doubt this has given you a set of new values (more about this in my email on Wednesday 17th June 2020). Those new individual values will impact on your relationship values.

So come on, take stock of where your relationship is right now.  Invite your partner to join you in this conversation.  Prepare yourself through breath work so you enter with a quiet brain.

Be aware that this intimate conversation may trigger defensiveness, anger, criticism.  It may also generate an open-hearted conversation.  Please treat each other with flexibility,  kindness, and respect.


  • What did I do last week to make you feel loved and appreciated?
  • What can I do to make you feel loved and appreciated?
  • Do you need more time together or more space for yourself?
  • How can I support you more?
  • Do you like the way we make major decisions?
  • Tell me how you feel about our sexual life right now?
  • Are you comfortable with the amount and manner of affection you receive from me?
  • Rate the strength of connection you feel with me right now (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest)
  • Do you have second thoughts about this relationship?
  • Do you feel like we are a team?
  • Would you like more fun in our relationship?

Feel free to reach out to me via WhatsApp. Anonymity is guaranteed.  Let me know where your anxieties, fears and worries sit with you. Tell me what is soothing for you.  And what you need in this time of radical uncertainty.


060 890 1062

Feel free to book a teletherapy Zoom session with me right here…

For more information please contact my PA Shantel:

Take care

Marlene #stayhome