Children’s Sexual Pleasure: a letter to parents

  Hello Parents,  By now you have got HomeSchooling#101 under [...]

Sexual Pleasure – this is your human right

  My thoughts are primed on “Pleasure”. There are a [...]

Pornography consumption : how much does it influence your sexual expectations and behaviour?

At the outset I state that this is not a [...]

Are you a sexually healthy person ?

  I cringe as I write the words "sexually healthy [...]

The best of Dr Eve and Eusebius McKaiser , Radio 702: 2019

  Its 11am Friday morning. The jingle plays "Talking Sex" [...]

My first sexual intercourse experience

Think back to your first sexual intercourse experience. Actually don't [...]

Breasts and sexuality after cancer: it matters

There is nothing "Pink" nor "Feminine" about breast cancer. In fact, [...]

To shave or not to shave: Pubic Hair Removal under the microscope

  In Eve Ensler's play "The  Vagina Monologues " , [...]

Has your partner done anything during sex that has made you feel scared ?

" Euphoria" has to be the one of the most [...]

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